So we all talk about how we want to over eat on the yummy Thanksgiving foods that we will be consuming in a few days. Once the consumption is over with we tend to begin feeling regret and then figure out what we need to do get the 10 pounds off that we just consumed. No Fear. There is a website that has no equipment exercises and you can create as many wods as you want with these exercises. How fun is that? Below is the list of exercises you can do without having to use any equipments. Also, here is a article on nutrition for you for pre-breakfast workout the can beat the holiday flab.
Enjoy the exercises, the articles and enjoy your Thanksgiving.
Enjoy the exercises, the articles and enjoy your Thanksgiving.
- 10 rounds of 10 second “L” sits off the floor
- “Susan” – 5 rounds for time: Run 200m, then 10 squats, 10 push ups
- Run 1 mile and at every 1 minute complete 10 air squats, 10 push-ups, 10 sit-ups
- 10 Rounds for time: 10 burpees, 100 m sprint
- 10 handstand jackknife to vertical jump, 10 handstand jackknife to tuck jump, 10 handstand jackknife to straddle jump.
- 3 Rounds for time: 10 Handstand push ups, 200 m run
- 6 Rounds for time: 10 push ups, 10 air squats and 10 sit ups
- 10 rounds for time: 10 push-ups, 10 squats, 10 sit ups
- 10 rounds for time: 10 push-ups, 100m dash
- 5 rounds for time: 10 push-ups, 10 hollow rocks, run 200 meters
- 10 rounds: 10 push-ups, 10 squats
- 10 rounds for time: 10 hand-release push-ups, 10 v-sits, then 10 squats
- 10 rounds for time: 10 sit ups, 10 burpees
- 4 Rounds for time: 10 vertical jumps, 10 push ups, 10 sit ups
- 5 Rounds for time: 10 vertical jumps, run 400 meters
- 10 rounds for time: 10 walking lunges, 10 push-ups
- 10 sets of 100 m dash (rest is length of time it took you to complete the last 100 m sprint)
- 100 air squats, rest 3 minutes, 100 air squats, rest 3 minutes, 100 air squats
- For time complete 100 air squats
- For time complete 100 burpees
- For time: 100 jumping jacks, 75 air squats, 50 push ups, 25 burpies
- For time: 100 push ups
- 10 to 1 ladder: Burpees and Sit ups
- 10 to 1 ladder: sit-ups/pushups and a 100 meter sprint between each set.
- 10 sets of: 30 second handstand hold followed by holding for 30 seconds at bottom of squat
- 10 x 50 meter sprint (rest is 2 minutes between sprints)
- 3 Rounds for time: 20 jumping jacks, 20 burpies, 20 air squats
- 4 Rounds for time: 20 ab mat sit-ups, 20 push-ups, 400 meter run
- For time complete 200 air squats
- For time complete 250 jumping jacks
- 3 Rounds for time: Run 1/2 mile, then 50 air squats
- 5 Rounds: 3 vertical jumps, 3 squats, 3 long jumps (rest as needed)
- 3 Rounds: 30 push ups, 30 second handstand
- 5 Rounds: 30 second handstand against a wall, followed by a 30 second static hold at the bottom of the squat
- 5 rounds: 30 second handstand, 60 second squat hold ( at the bottom of the squat)
- 3 x 20 tuck jumps, followed by 3 x 30 second handstand holds
- 3 rounds for time: 400m run/sprint followed by 30 air squats
- 4 sets x 25 jumping squats
- 3 rounds for form/technique: 5 handstand to jackknife to high jump, 5 handstand to jackknife to tuck jump, 5 handstand to jackknife to split jump
- 20 rounds: 5 push ups, 5 squats, 5 sit ups
- 10 Rounds: 5 push ups with a 30 second plebs plank (a hold at the top of the push up, arms extended and body tight like a plank!).
- 5 Rounds: 200 m dash (rest is the length of time it took you to complete the previous 200m dash)
- 50 air squats x 5. Rest equal amounts as it took to do each 50.
- 50 air squats, 4 rounds. rest for 2 minutes between rounds.
- 50 sit-ups, 400 meter run or sprint or walk. 3 rounds.
- 5 x 400M sprints (rest is the same time it took you to complete the last 400m sprint)
- 7 rounds for time: 7 squats, 7 burpies
- air squat x 10 push up x 10 sit up x 10 3 rounds for time
- Air squatsx20, Burpiesx20, Push-Upsx20 – 3 rounds…for time
- bottom to bottom ( rest at the bottom of the squat instead of standing….without support on your hands or butt and make the bottom good, straight back, butt back)…..tabata squats.
- Burpee to the push up position, do 10 push ups, burpee out. 5 rounds.
- Do one air squat and take one breath, ( you can breath all you want while you do the squat or squats) do 2 and take 2 breaths etc…up to 10, and then come back down to one.
- Do Tabata Squats with eyes closed.
- Handstand 1 minute, hold bottom of the squat for 1 minute, 5 rounds.
- Handstand 10 seconds jack-knife to vertical jump. 25 reps…
- Handstand 30 seconds and 10 squats, 8 rounds.
- handstand 30 seconds and 20 air squats, 5 rounds.
- handstand 30 seconds, to squat hold 30 seconds. 10 rounds.
- Handstand 5x 30 seconds. Run: 2x 800 meters for time. Do the handstands first. Rest and recover and do the runs with a rest in between that is as long as it took you to run your first 800.
- handstand hold, 30 seconds, squat hold 30 seconds…10 rounds.
- Handstand practice, 25 tries at free handstands, then a 1 mile run at 80%.
- Handstand to Jack-Knife to vertical jump. 30 Reps.
- Handstands, 30 second hold, 30 second static squat, 30 second rest, 8 rounds.
- If you cannot do “man’s style” do your pushups from the knees. After that do 100 air squats for time.
- Invisible Fran…21-15-9 of air squats and push ups for time.
- Mime 4x 25 sumo deadlift high pulls, make them perfect. Be sure the hips extend before the arms bend!
- Plebs plank, bottom of squat, hollow rock hold, 30 seconds each for 10 rounds. Use the transition times as your rest periods…they should be as brief as possible.
- Run 1 mile and do 10 push-ups every 1 minute.
- Run 1 mile for time.
- Run 1 mile with 100 air squats at midpoint, for time.
- Run 1 mile, lunging 30 steps every 1 minute.
- Run 1 mile, plus 50 squats-for time.
- Run 1 mile, stopping every minute to do 20 air squats.
- Run 1 minute, squat 1 minute 5 rounds.
- run 200 meters, 50 squats, 3 rounds
- run 400 meters, 50 air squats. 4rounds.
- run 400m air squat 30 hand stand 30 seconds 3 rounds for time
- Run with high knees for 15 seconds and drop into a pushup, get back up and run with high knees again for 15 seconds…….repeat 5x. Each pushup counts as 1 rep. Rest. Do 3 more rounds.
- spend a total of 3 minutes in a handstand.
- Spend a total of 5 minutes in a handstand, or headstand. If you are using the headstand do not stay over a minute at a time.
- Sprint 100 meters, Walk 100 meters, 10 rounds.
- sprint 100m 30 squats…8 rounds.
- Sprint 200m and do 25 push ups, 3 rounds.
- sprint 50 meters, 10 push ups. 10 rounds.
- Tabata Squats: 20 seconds on 10 seconds rest, 8 rounds. Count your lowest score.
- Tabata Push-ups.
- Tabata squats and tabata pushups.
- Ten vertical jumps ( jump as high as you can, land and do it again), 10 push-ups 5 rounds.
- Test yourself on a max set of push ups…tight body chest to the floor…full extension!
- Walk 100 meters on your hands, even if it is 2 meters at a time.
- 10 Rounds for time: Run 100 meters, then 20 air squats
- 4 Rounds: Hold a handstand for 30 seconds or do 5 handstand push ups, then run 400 meters
Here is a article you can read about the little gland that can do a lot for you and cause a lot of trouble if you don't take care of yourself.
Heads Up! Holiday season has arrived. You will want to stay on track with your health, nutrition, and exercises. I am here to help. I am running a holiday special for Personal Training. Contact me if you are interested and if you need help with staying on track during the holidays.
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